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Showing posts from April 25, 2012

Grown & Ripened

Bible References:             Matthew 22:36-40; Ephesians 4:11-13; Hebrews 6:1; 2 Peter 3:18 We celebrate the presence of the Lord, we want to be inspired by the presence of the Lord, we are to love God’s people and we are to like God’s people.   Afterall, we’re spending eternity in heaven together! God had a plan of salvation – Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved.   In our worship each week we are to encourage one another, help one another, educate one another, and be teachable ourselves.   God has given men and women gifts and roles (offices) to help grow God’s people in the faith, so that they reach maturity. Like a fruit that grows and ripens so we are to help each other do the same.   To grow and ripen so that each person in the faith becomes all that God intended them to be.   They in turn help others to hear the message of salvation, grow up and mature in the faith. Fully grown, fully ripened, prepared and ready to bring the message of hope and salvation to th

Verse of the Day

Prayer Points

For Christians to unite in the one mission to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For our fellow Australians . For our Australian National, State and Local Government Leaders. For Marriages to be strong. For our Armed Forces personnel. For our Elderly citizens. For our children to be loved and cared for. Pray for our local Christian Radio Stations - Vision Christian Radio ; 92.3 FM . Pray for our the leadership at TCC. Pray for Chaplains who serve across the Tablelands.

Australians in Mission Together

Supporting Christian Community Churches

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We believe a great committment to the greatest commandment and the great commission will grow a great church

We are a Christian Community Church of Australia