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Showing posts from February 27, 2019

Living Life with God

Bible references: 2 Thes 1:5; Genesis 7:11; John 17:21-23; Isaiah 60:1-4; When God appears from Heaven, his glory will appear through his saints.  The windows of heaven will be opened.  The glory of his saints will go up and His glory will come down.  All the earth will know.  His glory will be seen everywhere in His people.   The nations of the earth will behold the glory of God. John 17:21-23 - as His people, we have been given God's glory.  Isaiah 60:1-4 We shall come to God's glory.  Jesus died upon the cross to pay for your sin and to bring you to perfection.   There is coming a time, when the saints will be taken out of the earth.  It's then that the saints will be in authority; we will be in God's glory.  Now we know affliction, but it's coming to an end. Jesus can change us.  2 Thessalonians 1:5 - He is making us fit to share in his kingdom.   At some point in history,  the nations of the earth will give account to God for how they treated God's peop

Verse of the Day

Prayer Points

For Christians to unite in the one mission to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For our fellow Australians . For our Australian National, State and Local Government Leaders. For Marriages to be strong. For our Armed Forces personnel. For our Elderly citizens. For our children to be loved and cared for. Pray for our local Christian Radio Stations - Vision Christian Radio ; 92.3 FM . Pray for our the leadership at TCC. Pray for Chaplains who serve across the Tablelands.

Australians in Mission Together

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