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Showing posts from September 28, 2020

2 Corinthians 1:1-12

  2 Corinthians 1:1-12 1 From Paul, chosen by God to be an apostle of Jesus Christ, and from Timothy, who is also a follower. To God's church in Corinth and to all of God's people in Achaia.  2 I pray that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!  3 Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! The Father is a merciful God, who always gives us comfort.  4 He comforts us when we are in trouble, so that we can share that same comfort with others in trouble.  5 We share in the terrible sufferings of Christ, but also in the wonderful comfort he gives.  6 We suffer in the hope that you will be comforted and saved. And because we are comforted, you will also be comforted, as you patiently endure suffering like ours.  7 You never disappoint us. You suffered as much as we did, and we know that you will be comforted as we were.  8 My friends, I want you to know what a hard time we had in Asia. Our sufferings were so horrible and so

Verse of the Day

Prayer Points

For Christians to unite in the one mission to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For our fellow Australians . For our Australian National, State and Local Government Leaders. For Marriages to be strong. For our Armed Forces personnel. For our Elderly citizens. For our children to be loved and cared for. Pray for our local Christian Radio Stations - Vision Christian Radio ; 92.3 FM . Pray for our the leadership at TCC. Pray for Chaplains who serve across the Tablelands.

Australians in Mission Together

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