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In One Mind for the One Purpose

(from ) At Tolga Community Church we never really know who the Lord will send along to encourage us on a Sunday. Last week we were blessed with Simon , one of the technicians from U.C.B.-Vision Radio Network, Australia. Simon has been on the road for several weeks and will be for several more as he travels Queensland checking and repairing the stations that have been affected by the recent natural disasters. He has been a breath of fresh air and working with him on site is an enjoyable experience, I would describe him as one of those quite achievers whom the Lord sends just at the right time(His timing- always perfect). The common connection we at T.C.C. and U.C.B-Australia have is to use radio as a resource to keep "The Word" going out through the air waves over our nation and as Vision Radio says, "Connecting Faith to Life" . Spreading the Good News Across Australia You are Worth While and Created to Succeed.

Our Testimony

Bibles References:  Psalm 66:1-16, 2 Peter 2:9, 2 Corinthians 5:19-20 My Testimony.  There are two parts: 1)  The story of how I began my relationship with Jesus, with God. 2)  Message of what God did (universal) A person's story is persuasive "This is what the Lord did for me!"Example:  John 9:1-34; John 4, Acts 4:20 Paul tells his personal testimony at least six times.  Your testimony is personal it's true, you live it.  God has made YOU unique.  You live your testimony and its a part of you. Jesus told stories.  People loves stories - its a part of who we are.  Stories build relational bridges.  There are many ways to tell your story.  Most importantly is to tell people of our hope we have in Christ.  Part of your testimony includes your life before Christ, then when you met Christ and then life after meeting Jesus. What people get involved in shows what matters most to them. Not everyone will want to hear your testimony.  But some will and they will w

Church: What are we to be and what are we to do?

Church.  A one word statement.  What are we (the Church) to be and what are we (the Church) to do? Worship (Matthew 22:34-40) Evangelise - tell the world the whole gospel message Fellowship - Church should be a safe, protected place where people can learn, and share Equip disciples for ministry Have effective results rather than lots of activities/programs (check out how the early Church in Acts operated!) Bible references: John 17:18 Acts 2:41-47 Acts 2:44-45 Ephesians 4:11-16 Our Pastor will be sharing more about Church:  What are we to be?  What are we to do? once a month during this year. (posted Admin TCC)

Atherton Tablelands ANZAC Day Services for 2011

Lest We forget...

Verse of the Day

Prayer Points

For Christians to unite in the one mission to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For our fellow Australians . For our Australian National, State and Local Government Leaders. For Marriages to be strong. For our Armed Forces personnel. For our Elderly citizens. For our children to be loved and cared for. Pray for our local Christian Radio Stations - Vision Christian Radio ; 92.3 FM . Pray for our the leadership at TCC. Pray for Chaplains who serve across the Tablelands.

Australians in Mission Together

Supporting Christian Community Churches

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We believe a great committment to the greatest commandment and the great commission will grow a great church

We are a Christian Community Church of Australia