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Do you live as a child of God whom He blessed?

Bible Reference:  Ephesians 1 :3-14 Do we like to receive a present?   God wants to lavish us with gifts to those who are in Christ.   When we don't use the gifts he has given us;  it hurts him. By using the gifts God has given us,  our lives go in directions we never thought of. Ephesians was not written in Hebrew;  it was written in greek.  Israel was to show the world God's morality.   They failed to do it.   We also fail,  except for grace of God. Paul begins this section by praising God the Father for every spiritual blessing given for God's people. Why did God chose me?  But He did! Count your blessings,  name them one by one! In the Old Testament the jews took their law to a place where they 'locked it up'.  Jesus doesn't do this, he unlocks us. Is God doing things in your life?   If not, have a talk with God. Ephesians 1:4-5 We are adopted as sons and daughters and we are given an inheritance.   We receive the inheritance when we become a Christ

Ephesians (Part 1)

Bible References:  Acts 20; Ephesians 15: 1-31 Paul took opportunity to write Ephesians.   It's not like any other letter he wrote. Corinthans written to address 10 issues raised.  Corinthans was not the ideal church; but don't pick on them.  They had lots of people.   A wonderful letter telling us how to overcome. Galations - letter written to address issue of  compromise - Jews trying to get people to go back to Law. Ephesians written by Paul (God's choice). Paul knew about God but didn't know God.  On road to Damascus Paul met Jesus! No longer is there Jew or Gentiles;  there is one body - the Church.  (The mystery ) Chapter 1-3  grand picture of the Church.  We leave spiritual past behind and we walk in the inheritance.  Walk in newness of life.  Established our position in Christ.   God does nit call us to leave sin behind; but to walk a different way - to be like Jesus!  We want to see people with Jesus in them.  We can't keep Law.   Ephesians: - J

Stars in my Crown (2)

2 Timothy 4 : 1-8 Timothy has been encouraged by Paul to keep going.  He has been hurt and has learnt about forgiving.   Crown of salvation Crown of doing the work of God The love of the world can overwhelm us in this life.  Paul was guided by divine inspiration.   You can't get it from people; you will be  disappointed. One thing Paul loved to have; his manuscripts.   When you stop learning and growing you become bitter; wither and die.  He did not neglect the necessities of life.  No one denies we need these.  But we also need to be thankful for the Holy Spirit and living God's way. By living God's way, Timothy put stars in his crown.   (Examples of reformers God used in church history: John Calvin - reformist in church history; Luther - reformist in church history) It will profit God and others if Timothy kept the faith and preached the Word faithfully. Paul also tells Timothy he will endure afflictions.   There are good times and not so good times.  If we don&#

Timothy - Will there be any stars in my crown?

2 Timothy 4:1-8 The Lord called Timothy to do a work. Forgiveness - reconciliation Paul writes to Timothy - Paul charges (gives him a direction) Timothy. Before God and Jesus Christ who will judge the living and the dead; People who hurt us - God will be the judge; Paul understood the spiritual reality of how to conduct yourself; If you take advice from a friend who will live out that advice in the presence of God; Preach the Word! - That was the gifting given to Timothy by God; Be ready all the time to preach (in and out of season ); Not just know the Word; not just read the Word but Preach the Word! Preach about Jesus; not about yourself. Forget about yourself and preach Jesus! Preach when easy; preach when hard. Preach when fruit evident and when it is concealed. Convince, rebuke, confront. 2 Timothy 4 God is doing something wonderful in us. Left to ourselves we will do something different but allow God to make the change in your life. Look to the Word. Turn away from fab

Job 14:7-9 Rise Up

Verse of the Day

Prayer Points

For Christians to unite in the one mission to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For our fellow Australians . For our Australian National, State and Local Government Leaders. For Marriages to be strong. For our Armed Forces personnel. For our Elderly citizens. For our children to be loved and cared for. Pray for our local Christian Radio Stations - Vision Christian Radio ; 92.3 FM . Pray for our the leadership at TCC. Pray for Chaplains who serve across the Tablelands.

Australians in Mission Together

Supporting Christian Community Churches

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