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Bible Reference:  James 2:19 We are not called to be just believers; even the enemy believes.   Jesus called us to be disciples. Ephesians - build each other up.  All to often we pull each other down.  It's important we build each other up! 1 Thessalonians 3:3-13 The love for the Lord and for his people is evident in people's lives. Ephesians 1:15-16 Genuineness of faith and love for all people who are the Lord's.  Everyone should be encouraged.   We expect our children to make mistakes.   Failure is not fatal; it's the courage to carry on. We should encourage spiritual children in their faith and walk with the  Lord.  We need to be encourages not people who condemn people.  Paul knew he had to correct some things but he encouraged the people first. Life lesson:  encourage people even when you have to correct. Life lesson:  Paul told the people he loved them.  We should do this also. The love for fellow Christians comes from the Lord. There is a gr

The Great Southland of the Holy Spirit

One night only - Stan Goodenough

ANZAC, BEERSHEBA AND RESTORING THE KINGDOM TO ISRAEL How Australia helped - and still can help - to prepare the Way  The Messiah is destined - according to the Bible - to establish His Kingdom in Jerusalem  and from there to rule the world.    Before He comes - says the same Source - God will have restored the Jews to their ancestral land and its ancient capital.   A hundred years ago, the British Empire -  spearheaded by soldiers waving the Southern Cross-inscribed flags of Australia and New Zealand - conquered Beersheba from the Ottoman Turks, driving them from Jerusalem, the Galilee and, finally, right out of the land. Fifty years ago, under the Star of David, Israeli fighters restored their biblical heartland with Jerusalem to its aboriginals. Today - in this double anniversary year - the battle is raging for Jerusalem. Nations and international organizations are trying to strip the Jews of their claim to this city and to its holiest site, the Temple Mount.  

What Does It Mean to be a Christian?

1 Thessalonians Paul and his companions planted church and was there for about 3 weeks.  He then sent Timothy back some time later to see how the young church was going. Exodus 4 Luke 8:12-15 Paul wanted to prove the genuiness of his faith to the church and he loved the people. In our church, many people have come through with great ideas, but they have not stayed because they have not loved the church in this place.  They have not been genuine in their love for the people. In the church, many people are well off and have a lot of pleasures and they don't grow up! Exodus chapter 4.  Do we see what is in our hand?  We have the Word of God in our hand.  With this we xan change the world around us. How much power we have.  Moses was 80, a shepherd, he had murdered.    Yet how much did God use him?  He brought out the people of Israel from slavery. Will you give the Lord your life? What does it mean to be a Christian? We need to pray for our nation.  Persecution is coming to

Psalm 98

Psalm 98

Verse of the Day

Prayer Points

For Christians to unite in the one mission to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For our fellow Australians . For our Australian National, State and Local Government Leaders. For Marriages to be strong. For our Armed Forces personnel. For our Elderly citizens. For our children to be loved and cared for. Pray for our local Christian Radio Stations - Vision Christian Radio ; 92.3 FM . Pray for our the leadership at TCC. Pray for Chaplains who serve across the Tablelands.

Australians in Mission Together

Supporting Christian Community Churches

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We believe a great committment to the greatest commandment and the great commission will grow a great church

We are a Christian Community Church of Australia