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I am forgiven - You were condemned

John 8:1 – 11(7) – Matthew 9:9 – 13 (13)
John 3:16 – 17; Jesus was born to fulfill this scripture – to love a world He created.
"You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery'. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." -Mt 5:27-28
This proves that anyone who looks at another person lustfully is guilty of adultery – most will relate to that woman in this scripture.
And yet -
Jesus didn't condemn that woman accused of adultery, but neither did He ignored or condone her sin. He told her to leave her life of sin.
The Lord Said “I require mercy not sacrifice” – why do you think the Lord would have said that?
·        When you fall, He will pick you up – not you;
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." -1 John 1:9 – want to know how many times God will do this – “forever”.
Jesus is ready to forgive sin in our lives, but confession and repentance mean we need to change. We need a change in our heart. And we need God's help to accept Christ's forgiveness and stop our sinful life.
·        And always remember...
"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace" -Eph 1:7
Jesus was born to die for your sins – the price has been paid - He died as a sacrifice for your sin so you can be forgiven. He did it all because He loves you! Isn't that  AMAZING? No matter who you are, no matter how great is your sin. He is always there to forgive you. He is mighty to save.
·        You're accepted, loved and forgiven!
"God loves you" -John 3:16
"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." -Mk 2:17
Jesus came here to seek and save the lost, that's you and me. Through putting our faith in Him we can be forgiven and made new.
As we see this next video it reminds me about the demonstration of God's love for me as a sinner. I strongly believe that Christians should not forget about the message of sin and repentance. It has to be in a constant balance among other teachings because we are not yet totally holy but just been "declared" to be holy through Jesus Christ until the appointed time. My righteousness is in Jesus.
I strongly believe that the gospel has the power to really change hearts. Not by following steps on how to be good Christians and not by practicing godliness in human effort. We shouldn't just repent from our sins but also repent from doing good works, for stripping down the cross of its power and for relying/trusting on ourselves and for thinking of what we can do instead of what God's love can do. Changing of hearts must come out naturally and be driven by God's love for us and not centered towards our own abilities.
You may not know much about the bible, doctrines and theology (which is a word that means God talk) but one thing I know for sure, is that I'm loved because He died for me and that's more than "enough" source of encouragement for me to obey Christ, to fight the flesh and to live a holy life pleasing in God's eyes.
·        I do good, NOT because I want to go to heaven (Heaven itself does not motivate me to be good).
·        I do good, NOT because I'm afraid of going to hell (There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.).
·        I do good, NOT because I will be receiving my rewards from my heavenly investments (Greed can't manipulate and motivate me).
·        I give and do good NOT because I will be receiving ten folds from what I give (Once again, greed, wealth and prosperity can't motivate me).
·        I do good, NOT because I have to be good in order to be called a good Christian. (Praises of men does not motivate me to be good)
·        I do good because... of the fact that I have been given what I don't deserved. I have been given Jesus Christ in midst of my ignorant, backsliding and rebellious heart, I have been shown mercy and love continually, He was FAITHFUL to me even though I was not to Him.
·        I'm motivated to do good because of what He did for me upon that cross.
·        I do good and will be continuing to do good and glorify Him because my heart is driven by His love.
·        And lastly, I do good because I finally understood what "John 3:16" really meant in my life.


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