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Living the Christian Life as a Church

1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:22

[ Recap last week:  sanctification and love.  Allow God to do a work in your life. ]

The believers were concerned about what would happen if they died before Jesus returned.  

The apostles were driven out of Thessalonica, after about three weeks, only because they preached, Christ crucified.

We have many problems in the world.   They can only be resolved by coming to Jesus Christ.   You can only be restored by Jesus.  The cross is not a formula.  It's not about ideas; it's about a Man, Jesus Christ.

Timothy returned to Paul with an encouraging word and with questions.    They were able to stay with "Christ crucified ".

There was confusion about believers who had died before Jesus returns.
If you say you won't sin, the Bible tells us you are a lier.  But we can come and repent and we are forgiven.

Paul had not opportunity to teach these believers himself because he had to leave.  There were false teachers that caused confusion.   We need to be appointed by God and you need to read the Bible.

False teachers taught false doctrine, that caused panic, confusion and distress to the young church.

Paul spent time to teach when he had opportunity to and spent time teaching the church in different towns.

God can provide teachers but we have to make ourselves available to be taught.

We need to read scripture so that we grow up, mature and be equipped in God.

We're not here to condemn people but give clear instruction.  Read scripture.

"You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right."   2 Timothy 3:15‭-‬16

The need is for teachers to be given opportunity to teach and to teach properly. Ephesians 4

Teachers are really to run church; it's not their gifting and they get pulled everywhere.   Bible Teaching should give the result of growing up.  Edification - building up.  Teaching should allow Holy Spirit to allow revelation; not a feel good, tickle your ears stuff.

Paul wrote to teach truths and answer questions.  We can be assured of our salvation and give us every confidence in Jesus.
There is clear teaching to exhort moral living.  There should be clear teaching to remove doubts.

The church at Thessalonica had continued to experience persecution and some had died.  They had experienced this for simply putting their faith in Jesus Christ.   Paul set out a preaching plan to correct there concern that loved one in Jesus would miss out when Jesus returns.


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