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Living Life with Christ

Bible Reference:  Acts 20:34-38; Ezekiel 33:1-9; Ezekiel 3: 17-21

Each and everyone has a ministry - reconciliation.

Every person with potential.   The potential to know Jesus Christ.   While we were sinners,  Christ died for us.  Once we are saved, God calls us to serve.  Sometimes we look at people and think how can they come to know Jesus?  But someone may have thought that about me.
We are conscripts in God's army.  We don't have the choice to say the food isn't good or we don't like what we've been asked to do.  We are called to obey and serve.

We are to hear God's Word and then we are to speak out His Word.  If we don't warn those who don't know Christ,  they will die in sin.  To finish the course,  Paul said he had to testify to the truth of the Gospel.   We are not all missionaries,  we are not all 'Paul's ', but we are to testify to the truth.  If we don't tell our nation about Jesus, they will wander , lost.

If the watchman sees the enemy coming,  but doesn't warn the city,  it's the watch man's fault. But if the watchman warns the city but they take no notice,  then the fault is on their heads.

We need to tell people about Jesus!  Cross reference:  Matthew 18; Ezekiel 3 & 33.

We can watch and see bad things coming or happening.  But in the spiritual,  people don't want to hear.  If we don't tell them truth about the Lord, we are accountable.   If we tell them and they choose not to accept,  then it's on their head.  God's will is that none should perish.  We bear witness that it's only Jesus who saves.  Not the Church,  not Christian's, we bear witness to this.

If you choose to not rely on the work Christ did on the cross, you will be lost.

People need to confess AND repent and be convicted of their sin.  If they don't turn to the Lord, they come against his anger and judgement.

Paul uses a phrase - preaching the kingdom.   We need to turn to Jesus and turn our life over to Him.
Jesus is Lord and King in the kingdom of God. Its not a democracy.  Our lives must bear witness to the Lordship of Jesus. 

We need to bear witness of God's grace. Let us pray that we are faithful witnesses.  To finish the course,  we must keep the finish line fully in our sight.  We want to be the faithful person to the Gospel of grace.


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