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Mark 1: 9-11 Matthew 4:1-4

 There is a deep resource for all of us who have received Christ as Saviour and been baptized and that resource can be drawn on across the pathway of all of our life.

 The overflowing river of life of the Holy Spirit coming upon the person for the purpose of ministry and mission. Every one of us have a ministry to live out—whatever it is in your particular vocation, to have the Holy Spirit enabling you by the power of Christ to serve what you were made to be. Every one of us also have a mission in life—a specific target that our life is about. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit for that to occur, and the Lord wants to open up that resource to us.

 Baptism is a meaningless exercise if a person doesn’t believe in Jesus the Saviour. Many people are sincerely wrong that by having at some time or another been baptized, that covers the issue of salvation with God. However sincere their motivation or the motivation of their parents, baptism is only a human work that can earn nothing from God apart from coming to Christ and receiving salvation as the free gift. Then baptism is a sign of our obedience to His lordship. He calls us to be baptized. There is something about the beauty of Jesus coming to baptism, and something about the Father’s confirmation of the absolute purity of His Son that speaks to not only our hearts of who Jesus is, but speaks about something that we need for ourselves as well.

 When you know that you’re born again, you know you have relationship with God, but sometime this week, at some moment, there was something that occurred and you felt less than really like an effective, efficient, pleasing son or daughter of the Most High God. It could be because of something you did that you knew displeased the Father, and having done that, presumably, you then confessed to the Lord—Lord, I’m sorry. I ask You to forgive me. But those are moments the Devil loves to capitalize on, recognizing any failure on our part, takes great delight in not letting us off the hook. Condemnation is the name of his game. Everything that he can do to rub your nose in it. Make you feel that you are a total flop. The argument goes something like this: God’s okay with it but don’t expect anything significant to happen in your life now. You’ve taken yourself from the possibilities of anything worthwhile happening.

 There’s other things besides condemnation—a whole pattern of inability to deal with a situation or with life that many people feel. In the brokenness of our society, there are hosts of people who have enough abuse from past relationships they’ve been through—not necessarily violent abuses, but things where relationship was mistreated and violated and there is something that it’s done to you that can reach as far back as your childhood or teenage years. The wound leaves a residue in your soul that anytime anybody talks about relationship—or if they don’t talk about it—still, relationship has always got a shadow over it as far as you’re concerned. Even though you know in your head that you have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, but there is something of a deficiency of confidence that you live with all the time. It hinders you feeling a bold person for the Lord. It drains off the joy of the Lord that’s intended to be strength to you. It has to do with a residue of rejection that you feel from things past.

 Just as surely as Satan comes to condemn for failure, there are things of failure by other people that impact you. It takes away from that sense of confidence of who you are as one of the Lord’s own. These things are so counterproductive to our being that the person the Lord has re-created us in Christ to be. God has brought us to Jesus in order that we might know the release of the full sense of God’s pleasure in our lives.

 When we come to the Lord and gain that initial sense of forgiveness, He says, I want you to come to the waters of baptism because in that moment, as you designate your obedience to My Son, I want to tack down at a specific, inescapably clear time and place on earth. A physical action you can refer to for the rest of your life. You put your trust in the Lord in a moment and it happened between your heart and heaven. But there’s something about having come to a time and place and the God who created us and know the degree of our attachment to earth and say, I want to nail down a time and a place and a moment, and it will be marked, and at any time in your life you can point back and say, at that point, I pleased the Father’s will, and I am not a person who will live or accept these kinds of pressures that come from the liar, the devil who would condemn me, or from the things that creep around the edges of my mind from any residue of my own past brokenness.

 I am a person to whom God has spoken over me the same thing He spoke over His Son, and for the same reason. God said of His Son, You are My Son in whom I am well pleased. And the reason is because Jesus was sinless to that moment and He always remained that way. And of you and me, when we come from the waters of baptism, God is making a statement that is equally true—that in the eyes of heaven, because of my having put my faith in Jesus Christ, my Saviour, and having obeyed His call to me to come to the waters of baptism, the Father says through the Cross, where My Son died, I have cut away the record of any residue of remembrance of sin against you, in the eyes of heaven, you have been made sinless. I call you one of my sinless children, and I am well pleased with you. You have your conversion moment and now you have an obedience moment that cannot be taken from you – it is marked in heaven so to speak.

 When people say they felt so good at their baptism that is not just an emotion, that’s a sense of divine pleasure God wants everybody to know. But beyond that moment the Lord wants anybody in a situation in which the adversary is trying to suffocate you with doubt or condemnation, the same fund of His pleasure may be drawn on no matter how long ago you were baptized.

 Baptism provides a setting for spiritual breakthrough in your circumstance

In Mark 1, the heavens parted, the verb that occurs is a different one than used in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke where it speaks of the heavens were “opened” to Him. The drama of how that opening took place is forcefully put in Luke.  The Bible is saying there is a tearing open in the invisible realm. This was not just a slit in the sky that allowed you to see further than before. This was going on in perception; Jesus will go from this moment with a greater capacity now that you have obeyed knowing you are willing to grow in the Lord and in your ministry. This obedience shows that you have submitted your life to the Lord Jesus for sanctification.

 Ministry has to do with taking what you have to give and giving it to the moment, as in “to minister His life through you wherever you are.” One of the most destructive ideas in the whole mind of the church is that ministry is isolated to a pulpit. The reason for the existence of pulpits is to help all the people to learn how to live in their ministry and to be what they were created to be. Through baptism we offer through obedience our lives to learn by the Holy Spirit to carry out our ministry and mission, God has ordained for each of us. Look at Peter for example after the Holy Spirit filled him. Please do not look only to the emotion – look to the truth of Scripture. For that to take place, there needs to come a sensitivity to the reality of the spiritual realm. Matt. 4: From this moment, Jesus is going to go into an immediate situation of confrontation with the powers of darkness. The Bible says, “Immediately, He was driven into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” In that season of temptation, you have two factors: There’s a period of time that’s extensive, and there’s also a confrontation where the enemy tries to break you down. Look at what he did to Jesus and each time, Jesus responds with quotations from the Word of God. That becomes a devastating impact against the devil. It cuts the capacity of the devil to withstand Jesus. 

This kind of capacity to lay hold of what God has said in His Word, where it becomes vibrant and alive to you, is something you see as other than just a set of ideas. That’s something that comes because of spiritual breakthrough, a parting in the heavens. The invisible realm becomes real to a person. God did not raise up the church and then give a band of gurus to tell people how to live. A pastor should not be a substitute for somebody else’s spiritual growth. A pastor’s mission should be to help people find out what the Lord wants to do with them so they can come to the fulfillment of the purpose of the Living God through you with the same resources that God poured out upon His Son Jesus. The door is now opened for you to go to the Holy Spirit to be taught and ministered to. Amen. With having said that let us pray.


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