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Finishing the Course - Recognize the Battlefield

Bible Reference:  2 Timothy 4:7-8; Acts 20:24 We must first recognize and understand that God has given us a ministry  - reconciliation. If you want to do something with your life - meet God, your Father in heaven. We are not volunteers,  we are conscripts.   Volunteers choose.  Our enemy works 24/7.  We are conscripts in the army of God.   We are called to stand firm.  Paul did.  He went with and without.   He was flogged,  shipwrecked,  stoned.  He said he was blessed.   It's not all about getting 'blessed' with stuff. Jesus was so 'blessed ' he was crucified...for us. To finish the course we need to feed upon and claim the whole gospel of God.   Paul didn't shirk anything that was hard.  Recognize the battlefield. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 What is the sense of fighting the good fight for nothing?  We're there to win the crown of righteousness. Ephesians 6:11-18 Our fight is not against circumstances.  It's against the spiritual realm.  The biggest probl

Missions and Community Development

Paul and Debbie Howells talk about the importance of community development that the Lord has had us do over more than 30 years. They acknowledge the importance of their reliance on the Lord as they ministered in the mission field.

Living Life with Christ

Bible Reference:  Acts 20:34-38; Ezekiel 33:1-9; Ezekiel 3: 17-21 Each and everyone has a ministry - reconciliation. Every person with potential.   The potential to know Jesus Christ.   While we were sinners,  Christ died for us.  Once we are saved, God calls us to serve.  Sometimes we look at people and think how can they come to know Jesus?  But someone may have thought that about me. We are conscripts in God's army.  We don't have the choice to say the food isn't good or we don't like what we've been asked to do.  We are called to obey and serve. We are to hear God's Word and then we are to speak out His Word.  If we don't warn those who don't know Christ,  they will die in sin.  To finish the course,  Paul said he had to testify to the truth of the Gospel.   We are not all missionaries,  we are not all 'Paul's ', but we are to testify to the truth.  If we don't tell our nation about Jesus, they will wander , lost. I

Conscript Not Volunteer

Bible reference:  Acts 20:22-24 Some tele-evangelists seem to portray that being a Christian makes everything great.  But Scripture doesn't line up with this thinking. People hated Jesus.  We enter by the narrow gate. Everyone has a ministry.   It is a 24/7 ministry.  God has given every Christian a ministry of reconciliation.   We are conscripts, not volunteers.  We obey God.  Ananias went when the Lord directed him to go to Paul.  Paul went as the Lord directed him.   Why didn't Paul think that these afflictions seemed easy.  He didn't see himself as a volunteer but as a servant,  a soldier,  there under orders to serve his Commander. Example:  Chaplin McKenzie (in first world war).  He served his Commander,  Jesus Christ on the battlefield. Scripture does not call us volunteers.   The problem is that volunteers can choose to serve, not to serve, or leave all together.   Conscripts obey.  Jesus goes with us, to toughen up.   If we don't toughen up,  we will fall

We All Have A Ministry

Bible reference:  Acts 20:24 In life, it's easy to start something new.  A new diet, an exercise program,  a new job, new relationships,  a new beginning.   But life isn't a 50 yard dash, but a marathon.   There are lots of good starters, but poor finishers.  I  have known many who have started well with a bang, but finish with a whimper. People start with a bang, then get hit with criticism.   There are lots of people who say things that put you down.  Sometimes the stress spills over into marriage and cause problems.   People sometimes leave ministry with a broken heart.   Paul did not want this to happen to the elders in Ephesus.   He wants us to reach the finish line.   Paul was sharing from his own life the trials and perseverance.  2 Timothy 4:7 Paul in Acts 20:24 had a difficult task.  Paul did not consider his own life more important than what Jesus called him to.  He put his trust in Jesus.   God is in control,  that's all we need to know.   God is most importan

Verse of the Day

Prayer Points

For Christians to unite in the one mission to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For our fellow Australians . For our Australian National, State and Local Government Leaders. For Marriages to be strong. For our Armed Forces personnel. For our Elderly citizens. For our children to be loved and cared for. Pray for our local Christian Radio Stations - Vision Christian Radio ; 92.3 FM . Pray for our the leadership at TCC. Pray for Chaplains who serve across the Tablelands.

Australians in Mission Together

Supporting Christian Community Churches

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We believe a great committment to the greatest commandment and the great commission will grow a great church

We are a Christian Community Church of Australia